In the search for a solutions provider to take on the task of rationalising and standardising the group IT offering they immediately looked to the team at CTO Ltd.
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Back Up and Data Protection
How much data are you prepared to lose in the event of a problem? How quickly do you need to recover?
Understanding your business RPO & RTO requirements is the foundation of any back up and data protection strategy.
When was your last test?
No matter what protection you have in place, you must test it regularly to ensure its catching everything you need, and you can get your data back!
Protect your most important asset
With our back up and data protection solution in place, your data is automatically and securely backed up offsite, and monitored by our expert team of engineers. This overcomes the requirement for legacy onsite solutions such as using tape/DVD/hard disk backups and manual processes for management, rotation and archiving, as well as providing a higher level of redundancy should physical damage occurs and assistance with granular and full data restoration.

Working together
Today’s IT manages various technologies – multiple storage systems (Server, SAN and NAS to name a few), virtualisation technologies (VMware and Hyper-V), databases (SQL), and cloud services (Iaas, SaaS, Microsoft 365) – all of which operate in their own distinct ways and require different methods of protection.
Managing backup operations should not add to the existing complexity with which IT Administrators struggle each day. IT Professionals need easier to manage backup systems that can protect heterogenous environments and which can report via a unified operational console – a single pane of glass – on the health of their backups. Above all they want the system to be simple!
Our process
Today’s IT manages various technologies – multiple storage systems (Server, SAN and NAS to name a few), virtualisation technologies (VMware and Hyper-V), databases (SQL), and cloud services (Iaas, SaaS, Microsoft 365) – all of which operate in their own distinct ways and require different methods of protection.
Managing backup operations should not add to the existing complexity with which IT Administrators struggle each day. This is where CTO can help!
Comprehensive protection
The solution must support on-premises physical and virtualised infrastructure, public cloud infrastructure and SaaS. The solution should also have the ability to work with diverse storage platforms for snapshots and replications within the same data protection management framework and have the capability to support granular recovery for improved recovery time.
Recovery at scale
Firms must keep their backups and other copies for years, demanding the flexibility and adaptability to managed underlying storage. This can result in the exponential growth of data volumes and so granularity and speed are important factors from both backup and recovery perspectives. CTO look to optimise backup tools to reduce the time, cost, and storage requirements. Plus, our solutions protect restoring data from ransomware and other malware intrusions and support various recovery modes, including application-centric, user-specific, and file-level recoveries.
Ease of management
Our data protection solutions offer global management and reporting using a unified operation console – ‘a single pane of glass’ – to produce comprehensive reports across the heterogenous protected assets and distributed data protection infrastructure. Ultimately, we offer a simple solution with out-of-the box visibility to guide IT professionals and compliance/audit teams’ decision making in data protection strategy.
Automation and orchestration
CTO’s Veeam solution offers built-in automation for routine tasks like backup, test restorations/validations and recoveries. It can report on deviations from protection policies to ensure compliance with corporate retention and recoverability policies.
Data reuse and insights
For some companies, the benefit of a modern backup solution comes not just from the assurance of recoverability, but also from the ability to do more by leveraging the data within the backup repositories for other business uses. For example, some organisations like to reuse backup data for test OS/application patches or new versions i.e., upgrading Sage or SAP Business One without affecting ‘live’ data.
Ransomware is a global risk firms face in terms of the likelihood of occurrence and impact. Ransomware is known for not only encrypting production data but also wiping out the backup systems and backup copies i.e., the victims’ last line of defence. Our Veeam solution inherently provides multidimensional security. The solution has the ability to secure itself from unauthorised access, rogue elements, and malware attacks. Plus, it also has multilayer authentication to ensure that a destructive action cannot be executed by simply gaining access into the system.

You're approved partner
As a Veeam Silver Cloud and Service Provider, Core Team One (CTO) has access to one of the most modern backup solutions on the market and can carefully assess your data protection needs and requirements to ensure you have the right tools and processes to protect and backup all of your data assets.
Your data is in safe hands
Business continuity, on the other hand, involves thinking about the business at a higher-level and asks:
- How quickly can you get your systems back up and running?
- How quickly can you get the team working again?
- How much is a business continuity solution going to save your business against the cost of downtime?
- What are the implications (lost orders, missed deadlines, reputational damage) if you don’t have business continuity?
These are important questions upon which Core Team One can provide clear, independent advice to ensure your data remains safe and recoverable in the shortest time possible.
We were relieved when we heard that John and Craig were starting Core Team One (CTO) and we asked to be given priority as far as signing up with them was concerned.
We are moving our phone system from BT copper wire over to CTO in February (a VOIP System) so we clearly have confidence in their services and have absolutely no problems in recommending them.
Steve Filmer-Cox
Filton Process Control Engineering
Read our case studies
CTO implemented new infrastructure and successfully migrated Dent from legacy equipment to future-proof their business.
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