Microsoft Azure Key Features

Microsoft Azure Key Features

Microsoft Azure features an expanding set of cloud computing services, including analytics, computing database, mobile networking, storage and web apps. We will review Microsoft Azure Key Features here.

IT developers can build, manage, and deploy apps and solutions on a global network using preferred tools, apps and frameworks.


Developer productivity tools

Azure has 100- plus services with useful end-to-end tools to make you successful.

Hybrid cloud

Develop and deploy where you want with the only consistent hybrid cloud on the market.

Seamless integration 

With a fully Intergrated delivery pipeline, you’ll avoid problems that occur when combing a group of products.


Azure’s ability to seamlessly scale up or down, gives you the flexibility to change as your needs grow.

Azure Express Route

Connect your datacenter directly with Azure via a private link, improving security.


Deliver apps faster

With more than 100 end-to-end services, you can deliver apps and services faster and reduce your time to market.

Keep data safe 

Azure Backup and Disaster Recovery ensure the safety and privacy of your apps and data.

Make better decisions

Predictive analytics and valuable insights will help power your strategic decisions.


You pay only for what you use, making it easier to manage IT budgets.


If you think Azure could help your organisation, or you would like to discuss Microsoft Azure Key Features, then feel free to give us a call to explore the options.

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